

Simple Storage Tips How to Freeze Soup, Sauce, and Puree. One of the ways Im able to keep our grocery budget so low is by freezing our extra fruits and vegetables during the growing season. I also like to make large servings of soup in my crock pot during the week as well. Knowing I have the option to pull a hearty soup or pasta sauce from the freezer when Im having a busy day or week, is a huge stress reliever. How to Freeze Soup, Sauce, and Puree. Fill quart sized zip baggies with 2 cups of soup, sauce or puree and seal. Lay bags flat on a cookie sheet and place the cookie sheet in the freezer on a flat surface. Once the contents are frozen solid I usually wait 2. If you have a large quantity of soup to freeze, you may also want to use a large baking pan to stack your bags in while they are freezing. I have used this method before with various produce, purees, and soup as well and it works great. So what do you think Am I just a total weirdo with too much time on my hands Or do you freeze your excess soup and purees tooMavis. Thinking about investing in a Food. Savermachine  Here are a few Amazon links if you are interested. Food. Saver Vertical Vacuum Sealer Food. One of the ways Im able to keep our grocery budget so low is by freezing our extra fruits and vegetables during the growing season. I also like to make large. Up until about 2 months ago, I never ate a cannoli. One night we ordered from a pizza place and they were on the menu, so i figured i would try one. TKBlog-Coconut-Oatmeal-Chocolate-Chip-Cookies1.jpg' alt='Canolies' title='Canolies' />Saver Advanced Design Vacuum Sealer. This post may contain affiliate links. These affiliate links help support this site. For more information, please see my disclosure policy. Thank you for supporting One Hundred Dollars a Month. Pickled Eggs Recipe here. Cannoli Wikipedia. Cannoli Italian pronunciation kannli Sicilian cannula are Italian pastries of the Sicily region. The singular is cannolo kannlo in the Sicilian languagecannolu, meaning little tube, with the etymology stemming from the Greekkanna reed. Cannoli originated in Sicily and are a staple of Sicilian cuisine. They are also popular in Italian American cuisine. In Italy, they are commonly known as cannoli siciliani, Sicilian cannoli. Cannoli consist of tube shaped shells of fried pastrydough, filled with a sweet, creamy filling usually containing ricotta. They range in size from cannulicchi, no bigger than a finger, to the fist sized proportions typically found south of Palermo, Sicily, in Piana degli Albanesi. HistoryeditCannoli have been traced to the Arabs during the Emirate of Sicily,56 with a possible origin for the word and recipe deriving directly from qanawt. These were deep fried dough tubes filled with various sweets, which were a popular pastry across the Islamic world at the time, from Al Andalus to Iraq. Cannoli come from the Palermo and Messina8 areas and were historically prepared as a treat during Carnevale season, possibly as a fertility symbol one legend assigns their origin to the harem of Caltanissetta. The dessert eventually became a year round staple throughout Italy. ReferenceseditExternal linksedit.

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