Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

The Best EVER Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Chocolate Chip Cookies. Since I started blogging Ive always wanted to do a post on my chocolate chip cookies. You see. But the problem is, EVERYONE and their grandma think their chocolate chip cookies are the best. So I decided I wouldnt do a post because it seemed overplayed putting it mildly. I just didnt have it in me to enter the I have the best chocolate chip cookie recipe rat race. But months ago I had asked the question on Twitter on why people believed their recipe was really the best. And from that moment on, Ashley Rodriguezand I would engage in the Chocolate chip cookie Tweet wars. I asked her to post her recipe and she kindly pointed me to her beautiful site. I made her recipe that same evening and I must say they were incredibly good. I reported back my results to her and said this. They were really good, almost as good as mine. Her next tweet went something like this, Almost a. Say what Because were good friends and lovingly joke around a lot with each other, I can tell you that she really does have a fabulous recipe. But I can also tell you with bold confidence, my recipe is pretty fierce if I do say so myself. The reason why I love this recipe is because it is not overly sweet and primarily uses brown sugar. The brown sugar gives it a more caramel type chewiness and more depth than the traditional Toll House type of recipe. As a result, you get a nice crisp bottom, but the rest of the cookie is soft and chewy. These are the cookies my sister who lives in Germany asks me to send her because they are all she can think about when she thinks of home. They are the same cookies she shared with her platoon in Iraq and the same cookies I will be sending to her in Afghanistan. I once sent her a batch of a new recipe and trust me, she noticed. I was told not to deceive her again and send my version only. But last night it happened again. It all started out so innocently. A typical night of tweeting and before I knew it, somehow I had trash tweeted my way into a chocolate chip cookie bake off with my good friends Lorna Yee and Ashley Rodriguez. If I recall correctly, the conversation went something like this. Me to Ashley Bring It Ashley to Me Oh Ill Bring It And before I knew it, other people were arranging a bake off. Moral of the story. And for the record, I can back it up. Enough said. I present to you my favorite and original Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. Enjoy The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe EVER Author Savory Sweet Life. If at all possible, please weigh the flour tsp. Preheat oven to 3. Cream butter, sugar, and brown sugar until it is nice and fluffy approx. K 5. Add both eggs and vanilla and beat for an additional 2 minutes. Add baking soda, baking powder, salt, and flour until cookie batter is fully incorporated. Finally add chocolate chips until well distributed. The cookie batter should be somewhat thick. Drop about 2 tablespoons of dough or use a medium cookie scoop and plop the batter onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 1. 2 1. Remove from heat and allow the cookies to stay on the cookie sheet for an additional 2 minutes. How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies. The perfect chocolate chip cookie is within your grasp. Once youve mastered the art of the chocolate chip cookie from scratch. Pick up the parchment paper with the cookies still on top and transfer to a cool non porous surface. Escargo here. Allow the cookies to cool on the paper for at least 3 minutes before serving. Enjoy please do not use table salt, the sea salt gives the cookies a nice flavor and hints of texture. If you only have table salt, use tsp. When using sea salt, you will get small crunchy flecks of salt when you bite into the cookie. If you do not like this taste, go with teaspoon of table salt. I realized grocery stores sell bags of chocolate chips in 1. Otherwise youll get cookies with only a few chips in each one and this recipe requires lots of chocolate to bulk the cookie up. Youll need about 1 bags. Troubleshooting If youre cookies are coming out flat and not like the pictures there are probably 3 reasons for this. Baking powder and Baking soda is old. If your baking powder and soda is older than 1 year and has not been in a sealed preferably air tight container, it has lost some of it rising qualities. Creaming.   It is not enough to just cream the butter and sugars until it has come together. This recipe requires you to beat it with a mixer for 3 minutes until the texture of the butter and sugar turns to light and fluffy just like the picture. Flour.   Flour should be weighed. This can make or break the recipe because just scooping flour into a measuring cup will never yield ideal or consistent results. Easy Ways to Make Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies. In a medium bowl, combine flour, salt, and baking soda. To reduce clumpiness, sift through a sifter or sieve. Gently mix these together, then set the bowl aside. In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugars together, then beat in eggs and vanilla extract. The coarseness of the sugar granules will help break the butter down, so be sure to do this first. Then add the eggs and vanilla and mix again until completely combined. Gradually a cup at a time add the dry ingredients from the medium bowl to the wet ingredients in the large bowl, then add chocolate chips. Pour a cup of the dry ingredients, stir, and repeat until the dry and wet ingredients are totally combined. Fold the chocolate chips in until fully incorporated. At this point you should have a moderately thick cookie dough. Do not over stir the dough. Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe' title='Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe' />While the dry ingredients should be added gradually, dont do so little at a time that your dough turns to brick. Aim for adding the dry ingredients in four or five batches. Drop spoonfuls of cookie dough onto a pre greased or a lined baking sheet. Chocolate chip cookies are so easy to make with this popular recipe, which makes deliciously chocolatey and chewy cookies. The kids will love them This chocolate chip cookie recipe bakes up soft, chewy and addicting So easy with simple ingredients. Old fashioned, bakerystyle texture from scratch. Get Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe from Food Network. A pinch of nutmeg and a sprinkling of salt amplify the butterscotchy flavor of chocolate chip cookies, while a blend of milk and dark chocolate chunks provides. Leave at least an inch of space between the cookies because theyll spread out when they bake. You can usually fit 1. Bake for about 1. Do not over bake if you do the cookies will be dark brown and burnt. Remove the pan from the oven and let the cookies rest on the pan for 1. This will cook the cookie thoroughly while they will remain chewy. Let cool for about 5 7 minutes. Using a spatula, lift cookies off and place onto wax paper, a plate, or a cooling rack. Go ahead and eat Eat when hot and steamy or cooled and slightly crisp. If you like you can pipe a small swirl of icing or whipping cream on top and add some sprinkles to make it look fancy.

Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
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